Tuesday 11 August 2015

First Visit to Palawan Day 1: City Tour at the Cathedral, Baywalk, Plaza Cartel

Visiting places, meeting people, bonding with nature, celebrating life has never been this fun. And speaking of fun, we knew where to find that this summer -- at Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

Puerto Princesa Airport

The trip was supposed to have happened last year, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it was cancelled and our tickets were laid to waste. I felt uneasy to go to other tourist spots without pursuing the Palawan tour, so even with only a month ahead, I booked a flight and contacted a travel agent to avoid hassle and stress.

Tenzai Accommodation

It was a three-day tour. But technically, just an afternoon and whole two days. The plane touched down before dawn, and we were greeted by our travel agent from Cyan Palawan Tour. We were fetched and accompanied to our room at Tenzai Pension House. The accommodation was pretty well known in the internet with great reviews from fellow travelers.Our expectations were met as we enter the humble facility. 

Tenzai house palawan

tenzai complimentary breakfast

Tenzai common area

There was a common area where you can eat meals while watching tv, read books and magazines, and play sungka, which we enjoyed. The room was comfy, with hot and cold shower and a cable tv. For P1200 a night, there were more than what we've paid for.

Palawan Cathedral

Palawan Church interior

We went to the city to start our mini tour. Our first stop is the Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral. The interior is simple yet, unique and elegant. After a couple of minutes of solemn prayer, we took pictures and went for a walk. Here are some pictures inside and outside of the church.

Cuartel Palawan

Plaza Cuartel

After a couple of steps, we reached Plaza Cartel which was just across the cathedral. Dark past happened in this place during the World War 2. On December 14, 1944, 150 American prisoners-of-war were burned by the Japanese invaders; only 11 of them survived the horrific tragedy.

Baywalk Palawan

We were advised by the tricycle driver that the bay walk was just few blocks away from the cathedral and plaza. So, to satisfy our protesting tummies after a long travel and short walks, we seek Foursquare and Google Map's help in search for the nearest place to eat.

palawan shore bay

peacock palawan lights

Few sweats ran down our skin as we realized that it was not that close. After a few more strides, we saw the colored lights and a street so lively and crowded. It was like walking beside the Manila Bay, minus the rides, bars and a massive mall. There are plenty of stalls that cater different dishes at affordable prices, making this area a good score for those with tight budget.

pangaea cafe palawan

We found refuge at a small cafe near the bay walk. Enticed by the menus posted on the wall, we ordered some flavored drinks and meals that caught our attention. The place is owned by a foreigner which serves his customers personally. Thankfully, the foods were indeed delicious the way they look at the photos.

With our stomachs full, we grabbed a tricycle and went back to our accommodation to get ready for the next day.

Friday 1 May 2015

Island Lovin': Magalawa, Zambales

The heat was on and our barkada's longing for another bonding trip after long irksome months of work. Magalawa Island was a great match as raised by one of us after her Zambales trip recently. Other famous beaches in the region, Anawangin and Potipot, was crowded already so choosing where to go was easy.

zambales islands travel guide

How to go?

The trip was planned easily and with less preparation. We didn't had any reservation, just a contact number of a boatman going to the island. Mall of Asia was our meeting place at 7 in the evening. After buying foods we headed to Pasay and hopped on a Victory Liner bus at 11pm bound to Iba, Zambales. After a 6-hour travel and a good night sleep in the bus, we arrived at the terminal, bought some goodies and took another bus bound to Veritas. There, lies a TODA going to Luan port where the boats going to the islands dock.

port to ruiz resort zambales

The tricycle ride was long and the road was rough, but nonetheless fun as the excitement kicked in. At the Luan port, we were approached by the boatmen, talked a bit and waited for our turn as there are some bakasyonistas also that time.

The boat ride was short and reached Ruiz resort in a jiffy. The sea was friendly despite facing the ocean. As our feet touched the sands, we were refreshed and regained our energy back. The beach was good, we didn't expect very much as informed by our barkada who organized this because our last beach getaway together was at Calaguas island with very fine white sands that can rival or better (for others) than those in Boracay.

zambales virgin island

Even so, the sand caressed our feet and the feeling just beside the sea was soothing. There were leaves fallen from the trees but blended well with the beach's floor. The water is clean with bluish/turquoise color. The dark blue parts you can see in the picture are sea weeds which won't hurt your feet, but be careful with some starfishes lying around.

ruiz magalawa zambales

We rented three tents at 250 each which is good enough for two persons. We marked our spot near an outdoor kitchen as shown below. For other things you need -- utensils, gaas, ice, cooking supplies, etc, just go to the store of the caretaker and they will give you what you need for a reasonable price tag.

magalawa outdoors

magalawa tent for rent

Enjoy the Beach

If you're fond of going to the beach then you're already familiar on activities you can do here. But remember, though, that this is not urbanized just like puerto galera and boracay. There are no fancy bars, hotels, etc. But this is what we've liked -- a bonding with nature without the loud noises and social climbers around. Lol.

magalawa photography

Enjoy your time with friends, ready those selfie pods and dslr's and have fun taking pictures with scenic backgrounds. Cook your food or buy ready-to-eat ones on the sari-sari store/canteen. Play beach volleyball.

jump shot zambales
Best jumpshots are at the beach :)

There's also water rafting offered in Ruiz beach resort. For ~P200 each you can enjoy bracing yourself against the waves of the sea as you're dragged by a jetski.

rafting magalawa zambales

At night, we asked the caretaker if we can make a bonfire, fortunately it's permitted. You have to gather your firewood or ask some locals to provide you some. Just don't forget to pay their hard work.

bonfire ruiz

One of the golden rules when travelling is to wake up early. In these golden hours, you can see the real beauty of the place and get picturesque shots easily. The beauty of Magalawa island woke us up next morning. We immediately gathered our cameras and posed for selfies. 

zambales sunrise
Sunrise at Magalawa island

groufie ruiz

The weeds were cleaned early in the morning by the caretakers of the resort. The water is refreshing and inviting to do the your morning swim.

morning ruiz

sands zambales

magalawa DIY

Overall, we enjoyed our stay at Magalawa Island, Zambales. The place is relaxing and the long-ride was worth-it. The caretakers of the resort are approachable as well. 

Some expenses paid:
  • Manila to Iba: P362
  • Iba to Veritas: P34
  • Veritas TODA to Luan port: P100
  • Boat ride: P100/depending on your deal if by group
  • Tent: P250 or dependent on size
  • Rafting: P200
  • Cellphone charging: P10 per full charge
  • Souvenir shirt: P250 all sizes
  • Veritas to Olongapo: P140
  • Olongapo to Pasay: P250
  • Our foods, alcohol, other stuff: ~P400
Total of around P2000 each person.

Quick facts:
  • Electricity is present with the help of generators
  • There are seven bathroom units
  • You cannot pass to the neighbor beach, Armada
  • There are other stores around, ask the locals for direction

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Hearthstone For iOS and Android Phones, Now Official!

Yesterday, or just a while in our time zone, Blizzard has announced a new update enabling you to play Hearthstone on iOS and Android phones. That's after quite some time the game was made available on iPad April last year and on Android tablets last December. But finally, the wait is over!

hearthstone android download review

In case you haven't played it yet, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, is a fun, addictive virtual card game that may be similar to Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic: The Gathering. If you're familiar with Warcraft and DotA, you'll be familiar with the characters of this game. It requires a lot of strategic skills, some luck and logic, but very entertaining and enjoyable at the same time. You have a deck that you can build and design depending on your fighting style -- be it defensive, aggressive, balanced, etc. With this deck, you can battle AI opponents, beat the solo adventures and play with other players around the world. This was the first game of this kind I have played and I was immediately hooked to it.

hearthstone android iphone download

hearthstone shaman deck build

Hearthstone was originally played only on PC but was ported to iPads and Android tablets (6 inches above) last year. This made it more playable because you can carry it around unlike with PC's. But with this update, Blizzard has made the game more accessible as we can finally carry it inside our pockets and play with our decks almost everywhere we want to.  I also tried the unofficial apk's and obb's out there so I can play it on my droid but it takes a lot of time to update it. Being it at the palms of our hands, the developers have to tweak the graphics in order for us to have a great experience even on small-screen phones.

hearthstone install guide

Apart from the visual aspects of the game, some actions was modified for gaming comfort. For seasoned players, you can see new adjustments such as tap to zoom. The cards are now positioned on the right of your screen. To zoom, just tap it and the cards on your hand will be spread, bigger at the bottom, so you can read the descriptions easier.

For new players, there's a tutorial you can enjoy and before you know it, you're addicted to it more than clashing-with-other-kingdoms. If you wanna dare to try it, put your game face on and download the 600mb+ game file (which is worthy of every byte). There's no news yet for Windows Phone OS but for now, here's the Playstore and iOS links.


Saturday 28 March 2015

Trip to Marian Orchard: A Serene Place for Refection

If you're searching for a place to reflect at this coming holy week, then check this place called The Marian Orchard. You can also make this one of your stops if you'll be doing Visita Iglesia near Brgy. Malabanan, Balete, Batangas.

marian orchard chapel sunset

Solemn, peaceful, beautiful - just some of the few words that can describe this place. Located near the Taal Lake, nature lovers will surely enjoy this as plenty of greens can be seen, the wind blowing at your face is fresh and clean; flowers bloom in different colors.

marian orchard lipa balete

For those who will be venturing this Holy Week, be informed that many flock here also. The entrance is just P20 for a great place. There is a small store/eatery near the entrance if you get hungry. 

marian orchard jesus

Upon entering the gate, you will be greeted with the picturesque view just like the picture above. On its side is a small chapel that can accommodate around 50 persons based on my estimate. Holy Mass is scheduled weekly at 4:30 in the afternoon and during holy occasions.

At the foot of the stairs near the chapel is a stairway to the Stations of the Cross, although you can also see small stations on the way. The path is not that visible so you would want to wander a bit and explore. Here are some views we saw during the walk:

marian orchard stations

Here's a 'Ruin' from an unfinished building found its way to blend with nature.

marian orchard stations of the cross

The start of the trail seems confusing. But trekking in this small hill is fulfilling and fun as well.

marian orchard stations of the cross

The path of the stations is not that easy, literally. You may want to leave your high heels, bring umbrella, and a bottle of water.

marian orchard birds

There are also cages with playful monkeys and birds inside it. Make sure to remind the kids not to hurt them. After the stations, you can go to the garden of saints with a few more climb. Here's an interesting signage I saw on my way:

Sa mga mag "syota" - bawal dito maglambingan. Pumunta sa chapel at magdasal, umiwas sa tukso.
Sa mga mag "syota" - bawal dito maglambingan. Pumunta sa chapel at magdasal, umiwas sa tukso.

marian orchard saints

marian orchard meeting of angels
Meeting of Angels

marian orchard park

In the garden you can find more sacred statues and kids happily playing.

marian orchard tower, suset marian orchard

Don't forget to climb the tower to see a breathtaking view of the whole Marian Orchard and of course the famous Taal Lake. You can see the beautiful sunset here and take selfies with a scenic background. There are also displays and statues as you go further in the garden.

The garden is just a few minutes drive from the highway of Lipa city. We went here easily with the use of Google Maps. But be sharp in searching for it because the signage is small and you may miss it.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Take Advantage On Your Android's Location-Based Reminder

Forgot to buy something at the mall? Or do a homework as soon as you arrive at home? Then take a look on what Location-based reminders can do to help you remember those tasks you have to do.

location reminder
Google Keep

First of all, let me present you the app in spotlight -- Google Keep. This is an app that many android users sporadically use, or still, nonexistent in their app drawers. Basically, it allows users to take notes, checklists, photos, and remind you to do your tasks on the right time or at the right place. Pretty helpful, right? And it syncs perfectly across your devices using your Google account. It's not too late to take advantage of this powerful tool, here's a link of Google Keep on Google Play.

Location-Based & Time-Based Reminder

I'm certain you are already familiar with time-based reminders as it was present in the early waves of mobile phones up to now wherein you just set the alarm time, edit the label, and wait until it rings. In the progress of technology, location tracking paved way for location-based reminders. With this feature, you can now be reminded to pay bills as you arrive at the mall, feed your pet upon going home, buy things as you pass by the grocery store, etc. The notification comes in when you reach the location you entered in the app. Neat, but creating a location-based reminder is not that straightforward and some might have not noticed this feature does exists.

Creating Location-Based Reminder on Google Keep

google keep how to reminder, location-based reminder

First of all, you should have Google Keep installed on your smartphone. Launch the app and feel free to explore the simple yet smart UI. Let me help you dig into the app.

google keep guide

1 Click to add a simple note with title, description and reminder settings
2 Shortcut for adding a list, (or checklist), useful for buying grocery items
3 On a rush? Just speak and let Keep transcribe it
4 An image would make you feel remember better, aside from the aesthetics. This will let you take a picture or choose from the phone gallery and add a note with it

picture reminder android

Aside from that, you can share your notes to family and friends with Google account. Furthermore, you can view and edit them across all your devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Creating a Location-Based Reminder

  1. Open the app, and make a note. It can be a list, picture, simple note...
  2. After creating one, click Remind Me.
  3. The default setting is a Time reminder, so, click the clock icon to see the other option.
  4. Upon clicking the clock icon you will see something like the image below. 
  5. Select Location reminder. Type in the location you want to be reminded at and select based on the search results given.
  6. Click back and it's done. 
google kkep location reminder

Take note that you have to turn on Location access on your settings for this to work. Battery saving option will work as long as you turn the WiFi or data on (based from experience). The only concern I can see for now is that you have to enter a valid place and choose one from the suggestions that will be given. However, plenty of places are already listed (such as malls, schools, some streets and subdivisions). If you see that place on Google Maps, then it may also be available on Keep. 

Google Keep is a good tool for our everyday routines. Location reminder is a cool feature that can save us time and effort when used effectively. It's really download-worthy at the moment and we look forward to more updates in the future.